Workshops are an excellent opportunity to interact and learn directly from engineers, managers and entrepreneurs in the core sector.
The workshops are the easiest way to initiate skill development with a specific focus. They are usually conducted at the institutions. Workshops are popular because they are a logistically feasible way to facilitate meaningful industry-academia interaction.
Workshops provide an environment where there is no "syllabus". The industry resource has the freedom to focus on specific topic(s). Students also focus on learning, not preparing for written exams.
By definition, a workshop is a meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.
This means that...
The sad reality of the so called "WORKSHOPS" today is that...
Any organisation that does not use the technology or topic being covered on a regular basis, should not be conducting the workshop. They will not be able to explain anything in context of how the technology applies in the industries.
1. Purpose:
We have workshops that cater to the each year of engineering education. We conduct workshops for the following departments of engineering.
We conduct workshops in the following areas:
We can have industry academia interactions (seminars or guest lectures) that address the following topics.
You may also suggest any other topics you would like to address.
Making (it happen) in India through Skill Development
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